Life of Pantro Ganzales


Using the plantilla from this lesson, fill out the essay boxes below to complete a rough draft. Before submitting this assessment, be sure to review the rubric in the lesson and ensure that you have included the following:

Grammar (use of saber/conocer, use of imperfect and preterit, use of two stem-changing verbs in the preterit, use of a minimum of two relative pronouns)
Proper spelling, punctuation, etc.

Remember to use only terms and expressions that you have learned
Keep it simple by writing in the Spanish that you know

Following the instructions below, write the introduction paragraph for your biography rough draft. (You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿) (4 points)

Using the basic information from your template, write 3-5 complete sentences in Spanish to introduce your influential person. Double check to ensure that you have included the grammar and writing requirements presented in the assessment instructions and on the plantilla.