Students with exceptional needs

Position Paper Assignment Guidelines

The primary purpose of the position paper is to generate support for an issue germane to the education of students with exceptional learning needs (ELNs). The position paper is based on researched/collected data (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, and/or evaluative [statistical, dates, significant events, interviews, etc.]) and informed by course lectures, readings, and activities.
The position paper should be submitted at the end of the semester.
Candidates must (a) select issues directly associated with students with ELNs that have clear divisions of opinion and (b) take a position within selected issues that is of personal and/or professional interest. Candidates must clearly define and limit the parameters of their positions within their position papers. In other words, candidates must write in a manner that fully captures the main concepts/ideas of their issues, resulting in position papers that would be considered concise and cogent. Candidates’ position papers should include the following criteria1 (see rubric for additional information on each criterion):

o Statement of personal/professional position (CEC Standard 1: 1CC1S1)
o How has distance learning further subjected students with disabilities to inequitable educational opportunities”

o You can discuss a particular disability if that helps

o Introductory discussion on the history and current context of the issue (CEC Standard 1: ICC1K8 and ICC1K9)

o Discuss current climate and the history of the disability OR the history of special education and its many challenges

o Background information for the selected issue (CEC Standard 1: ICC1K4, ICC1K6, and IGC1K1)

o Interview of two special educators and/or experts (CEC Standard 7: ICC7S3)

o You can use ONE person from the class to interview, a colleague, yourself, and I am always available

o Discussions on characteristics of students with ELNs and their academic needs (CEC Standard 1: IGC1K4 and CEC Standard 2: IGC2K4)

o Working with students with ELNs and their families (CEC Standard 1: IGC1K5 and IGC1K8, and ICC5K4)

o When writing this section consider possibilities and anticipate scenarios

Note. Your thesis statement must be preapproved by the course instructor before writing the position paper.

o Candidate’s course of actions and possible solutions pertaining to the ethical responsibilities of special educators (i.e., selfevaluation; CEC Standard 9: ICC9K3, IGC9K1, and ICC9S7)
The doublespaced, five to sevenpage position paper must adhere to the guidelines of the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association’s2 publication manual and include a reference list with at least ten references. The basic content format of the position paper should include the following:

First paragraph. Begin your first paragraph with data that catches the reader’s attention. Include a couple of sentences that lead into a clearly identified issue before you state your position. Close your first paragraph with your thesis statement.
Remaining paragraphs. The remaining paragraphs of the introduction provide the reader of your
position paper additional insight into the issue and the main concepts/ideas you plan to expand
on in the body of the paper. Include at least four references in the introduction.

Body of Paper
Background information. Provide the reader background information that would support a discussion on the issue (i.e., information you could refer to as you develop each side of the selected issue). Each paragraph of background information should present one detailed main concept/idea. Include at least two references in the background information.
Present/explain your position. Restate the personal/professional position you stated in the first paragraph of the introduction and present information that would help the reader understand your position. Presented information should be in logical order and should only include information that is supported by evidence. Evidence for your position can be in the form of direct quotes from special educators/experts, statistical data, and significant dates/events. Each paragraph of your position section should present one detailed main concept/idea. Provide a summary paragraph that rephrases what was expressed in previous paragraphs before moving on to the counterargument. Include at least 2 references that specifically support your position. Present the counterargument. Pick an argument points that someone against your position would most likely express. Present the counterargument in logical order, present it clearly, and provide the evidence and reasoning behind the counterargument. Evidence for the counter argument can be in the form of direct quotes from special educators/experts, statistical data, and significant dates/events. Close the counterargument section by presenting a resolution by explaining why the counterargument does not/may not have merit and reaffirm your position on the issue; this is an opportunity for you to describe why your position is better. Each paragraph of the counterargument section should present one detailed main concept/idea. Provide a 2 American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. summary paragraph after closing the counterargument section that rephrases what was expressed in previous paragraphs before moving on to the conclusion. Include at least two references that specifically support the counterargument.

First paragraph. Restate the thesis statement, your position, and summarize the main points of the position paper.

Second paragraph. Provide suggested course of actions and possible solutions.