Anth 206 Final Project Option 2 Mini-Ethnography

Ethnographic research is one of the hallmarks of Anthropology. For your final project
you will try your hand at primary research on a particular group, community, or subculture. Through participant observation and semi-structured interviews, you will collect qualitative data of your group of choice. This assignment is intended to develop your skills of observation, interviewing, and anthropological analysis. Traditionally ethnographic research is conducted over years, however, for our class we will complete our studies in a matter of weeks. Final Assignment Due: JUNE 12th

Important Note:

This community needs to be one
to which you are not a regular participant or member, but you are welcome to select a community to which a family member or friend might belong.
Some Examples of Communities you might select:
Online Gaming Communities, Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops, Farms, Farmers Market, Self-Help Groups, Firefighter Houses, Church Groups, Internet forums, Theatre Troupes, Exercise Groups (e.g, Yoga studio, Cross-fit gym, etc.), Barber Shop, Salon…
and many, many more.

Important Consideration:
You must be able to
access the community to complete your observations and interviews (i.e. ability to complete the assignment on time). So consider this factor in your selection process. The community must be willing and open to having you observe/ visit AND you must be able to do so in our time for the class project. Remember there are many restrictions introduced by Covid-19 and you need to consider those when selecting a community to observe. SELECTION DUE: MAY 1 (At the end of Module 2)

Turn in responses to the following:

Which community will be the focus of your research?
What event(s) will you observe (min. 2 hours of observation total) and whom you will interview (Min. 2 individuals)?
Obtain informed consent from your interviewees (See Informed Consent form)
Create a list of question to ask during your interviews.

ARTICLE SUMMARY DUE: MAY 22 (At the end of Module 3)

Conduct Participant Observation
for a minimum of 2 hours (these do not all need to be at the same time). Be sure to take field notes.
You want to pay attention to what is most interesting about this community and
how these individuals interact with each other. Do certain people have different roles or different power (is someone in charge)? Do certain individuals interact with each other or some individuals not interact with others? Notice what is interesting about this community and the way community members interact with each other – Attempt to understand how the people you’re observing view their world. This means you must observe closely, take profuse notes, and distance yourself from the site you’re observing. Remember: you are an observer, not a participant.
Conduct at least 2 Interviews
with participants of the culture group. You need to develop a list of questions and ask those questions to your interviewees.
Permission to observe and Informed Consent from each interviewee

th (At the end of Module 4)
Formal Paper, Zine, Documentary, PowerPoint or Prezi

I’m including rough minimum lengths for each section for a paper format. If you select a different format, be sure that approximately that much equivalent time/effort is spent on each section.

Whatever format your final project takes, you will need to include thorough descriptions of the following information:
Description of the community you have selected and why you chose that community. (min. 2-3 paragraphs)

2. Key observations of the events/ activity. Describe the event or activity you observed. Include a map/ drawing of the layout of the location, description of people involved and their roles, observations from the events/ activity itself, descriptions of any objects, clothing, or special items used in the event. (min. 2-3 paragraphs)

3. Analysis: Cultures are based on learned, shared, ideas and patterns of behavior.
What are the learned, shared, ideas and patterns of behavior of this community?

What did you learn about this community through your observations and interviews?

What are key beliefs, dynamics, and/or interactions in this community? (min 2-3

4. Summary: What did you learn about this group? What additional questions do you still have for the community? What ideas do you have for continued study of this community? (min. 1-2 paragraphs)

Submit your final project to the appropriate activity in Canvas. Please include documentation of informed consent and acknowledgements of those who have helped you complete this project.