TSP Assignment – Sepsis

Case Study
To satisfy the requirements of the TSP — Emergency program, you are required to complete a written assignment. This assignment must demonstrate comprehension and analysis of a complex patient presentation to the ED — the septic patient.

  • Assignment topic — Sepsis Due date: May 29th, 2022 Assignment format
  • • Academic writing to be used including an introductior, conclusio,
  • • Include a cover page with the following o Full name o TSP Assignment — Sepsis o Word count (excluding reference list) o Date submitted
  • • 1.5 spacing; Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font, size 12
  • • All work must be thoroughly referenced using APA 7th edition
  • • Minimum required references x 10
  • • Word count 2500 words +/- 10%
  • • This assignment will contribute to 40% of your overall grade for the program
  • • Late submissions will incur a 5% penalty per day late
  • • Submission as word document (not PDF) via email to egrover@phcn.vic.gov.au document titled TSP ASSIGNMENT [STUDENT NAMEJ.doc

Read the case study over page. Address the following in your assignment:
• Discuss the pathophysiology.

• Outline your initial nursing assessment including primary assessment and second assessment C.

• Interpret the values seen in Roger’s venous blood gas in relation to his presenAtion.

• Discuss six management priorities specific to the septic patient including the rationale.