Statement of Purpose for school admission

US Peace Corps Timor Leste

Financial Specialist/Contracting Officer

Coordinated with all office units (Medical, Programming & Training and Safety & Security) to support Post operations and performed various financial analyses to support senior officers and key staff in order to facilitate informed decision making.

Coached newstarters during Onboarding and provides handson training.

Managed recruitment, advertising, statement of work, applicant and interview process, posthiring tasks including contracting and staff onboarding and performance review.

Served as a Warranted Contracting Officer, managed all types of contracts and maintained the contract files

Prepared and approved (up to delegated authority) obligations, purchase requisitions, payment vouchers (cashier and noncashier) and travel vouchers in compliance with internal control guidelines.

Pax Unipesoal Lda
Finance & Administrative Officer

Analyzed financial reports to attain data based on the budget VS actuals expenditure and made suggestions for improvement.

Collaborated with senior management on multiple functions including customer success and finance, increasing survey submissions from 10% previous month to 25% by identifying the pain points of customer feedback.

Evaluated 100+ employees in 6 locations through surveys and work schedules assessing strengths and overall skills which improved productivity for tasks by 25% daily.

Contributed to writing of company Standard Operating Procedures and established specific protocols and best practices.

Demonstrated an ability to work under pressure and deliver results.

Centro Cuidado e Crianca Casa
Finance Officer

Prepared budgets, financial reports, forecasts and audits, and oversaw organizations improvement plans.

Enabled my team to succeed by providing onthespot coaching and feedback.

Monitored all expenditure and reduce organization spending.

Prepared and presented executive and management reports to executive team and board of committee.

Supervised a team of 2 Finance Assistants, HR & Logistic officer.

Timor Gas Lda Dili, Timor Leste
Finance & Administrative Manager

Presented recommendations for seasonal sales items including cooking gas and electronics supplies to senior
management, streamlining POS which accumulated to $1,500 in sales daily

Reviewed P&L with sales lead and to identify highest & lowest penetration rates on all products, analyzing all products which increased efficiency of deliveries from store to customer.

Maintained and built relationships with 100+ customers daily, providing exceptional customer service and efficient product deliveries daily which translated to a customer satisfaction.

Prepared weekly, monthly and quarterly management and sales reports

Supervised and guided new employees and responded quickly to questions to improve understanding of job responsibilities

Laborlink Business Solutions Cebu, Philippines
Payroll Officer July

Processed payrolls on regular basis for more than 300 employees nationally.

Reviewed personnel records to determine names, rates of pay, occupations of new hires and changes in wage rates.
Maintained, balanced, and updated payroll documents and records time to ensure errorfree reports

Performed payroll auditing to ensure accuracy, compliance, overall balancing, and reconciliation.

Oversaw the processes for new hires, terminations, status changes, loans, tax changes, deductions, direct deposits, rate changes, retroactive adjustments, and special pays.