Discussion post and review

We are all from different social, cultural, economic, and demographic backgrounds. This course brought us together as one group. For your first post, discuss your experience of learning about your classmates and how it impacted your understanding of people from other backgrounds.

Post one quality Paragraph

In your second post, reflect on what you learned in this course and describe how you envision using your knowledge for personal or professional success.

Review the following and send a quality of two Paragraph at least

Human Resources Management (HRM) has evolved. HRM has moved from a transactional function to transformational. In other words, HRM has become a leader within the business through the use of technology. How did technology help HRM make this transformation? Look back just a few years ago to how you used to interact with the HRM Department. If you needed information related to pay, benefits, or policies, you would pick up the phone and speak with your HRM representative. Through technology and online access, HRM is now more accessible to employees, allowing them more control over managing their pay, benefits, and employee information. For example, employees are accessing their benefits information online and making their own changes. They can also access 401K accounts to manage their savings.

Technology has also changed how HRM manages its own business. Collecting and managing employee data was a lengthy, manual process. Through technology, HRM can easily determine how many employees were hired over the past year, how many people separated from the business, overtime rates, trends related to absences, and so forth. This ability to collect and analyze employee data has allowed HRM to become a valuable strategic business partner.

This course reviews that strategic HRM role and how Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have brought HRM into the 21st century. Throughout this course, we will look at HRM technology, how it is used, data collection, data analysis, and identifying employee trends. From those trends, we will determine a strategic direction for the business.