Analysis and application in regards to an interview between a service user and a social worker

This is probably best taken by a someone from Scotland as know the accent can be a bit harsh. The assessment itself is based on assessing needs and how to apply it to a scenario. The theory itself is done all I need is application to the video with Simon and the social worker, from there you’ve to apply each part of the template (Assessment Simon) which are:

What’s my problem? – Identify the main problem that is presented in the video and what other issues are there?

Me and my world – Describe and offer a brief analysis of Lesley’s family, social structure, and environment. (You may include more reference to this when providing an analysis of need, risk, and strength. Make sure to make use of a genogram and an ecomap.

Needs – What are Simon’s needs as revealed or suggested in this scenario?

Risks – What are the risks that are present in this scenario?

Strength and protective factors – What strengths and protective factors are present in the scenario? Look at your ecomap here

My analysis – According to Milner and O’Byrne (2009), having collected all of the information (data), you need to analyse it. What is your analysis of Simon’s circumstances?

Process – Drawing on learning from this module, identify the interview approaches which John uses in the interview to focus the interview and to involve Simon in his own self-assessment. To what extent is this strategy successful?

Action plan – Based on these key features, create a plan for intervention for Simon


Here is a link to my google drive

Which has all the course material on it and reading which is pertinent to asking these questions. I have uploaded the video twice (Video assessment, Mock Interview) just to be sure but if there is any other information you may need, please contact me.