Message 2: Bad News Email

Lead Intern
You’ve been assigned to communicate with Deborah Lane, the manager of the Florida Hotel and Conference Center, whom you’ve contracted for your November event. With the event only two weeks away, you receive an email from Ms. Lane letting you know that the hotel can’t meet your room demand for the dates selected, as a plumbing issue has restricted the number of rooms available. She now only has guest rooms for 250 guests, and one of the conference rooms is unavailable, too.
Write an email to your boss, Samantha Jones. Forward Ms. Lane’s email, but edit the subject line of the original message (“Re: November Medical Technology Conference”) as appropriate.

In your email:

• Explain the bad news
• Request instruction for how to proceed, and if you like offer an idea for resolving the situation.
• Control the tone of your message

Remember: in this bad news message the bad news is urgent, and you are sending the message “up” to your boss.

Project Manager
Using the same scenario as above, imagine that you have just discovered the error with the PVP data recording process. Write a bad news email to your boss, Ariana Davis, alerting her to the problem.

In your email:
• Explain the bad news
• Offer a resolution and request a meeting to discuss
• Control the tone of your message

Remember: in this bad news message the bad news is urgent, and you are sending the message “up” to your boss.