Personal statement

The following needs to be included as it is the requirement
Establish and sustain high expectations of behaviour for students, built upon relationships and routines, which are understood clearly by staff and students.
b. Ensure high standards of student behaviour in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy in a consistent, fair and respectful manner.
c. Ensure that adults within the school model and teach the behaviour of a good citizen.

a. Ensure the department holds ambitious expectations for all students with SEND and EAL that enable students to access the curriculum and learn effectively.
b. Ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties with regard to the SEND code of practice.

6. Professional development
a. Ensure staff have access to professional development opportunities, aligned to balance the priorities of whole-school improvement, team and individual needs.
b. Prioritise the professional development of staff, ensuring effective planning, delivery and evaluation.
c. Utilise the skills and experience of staff teaching PSHCRE and encourage collaborative working.
d. Have knowledge of key safeguarding themes and use this to inform planning and CPD for staff.

7. Organisational management
a. Ensure the protection and safety of students and staff through effective approaches to safeguarding as part of the duty of care.
b. Prioritise and allocate financial resources appropriately, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.
c. Establish and oversee systems, processes and policies that enable the subject area to operate effectively and efficiently.

8. Continuous departmental improvement
a. Make use of effective and proportionate processes of evaluation to identify problems and barriers which limit effectiveness, and identify priority areas for improvement.
b. Ensure appropriate and effective evidence-informed strategies for improvement as part of targeted plans which are realistic, timely, appropriately sequenced and suited to the subject area’s context.

9. Working in partnership
a. Forge constructive relationships within the school, working in partnership with middle and senior leaders in a climate of mutual challenge and support.
b. Establish and maintain working relationships with all staff across the school to improve educational outcomes.
c. Actively engage with stakeholders, including parents, exam boards, professional bodies and subject communities.
d. To ensure that students and their parents/carers are provided with information and guidance about the PSHCRE curriculum.

10. Accountability
a. Understand and welcome the role of effective quality assurance and line management, upholding the obligation to give account and accept responsibility.
b. Establish and sustain professional working relationship with those line managed (where applicable).