Infographic study

Infographic Assessment Instructions

Students will create an infographic to illustrate the differences between homicide rates in Australia and another country of your choice. The purpose is to visually represent the data to help others to clearly understand the information that you would like to present. Infographics aim to allow the reader to draw conclusions about information in a short period of time.
Audience: Your audience is the general public. Think about your infographic as a way to share information that you are learning with friends and family.

1. Become a Content Expert on your chosen homicide/country. Do complete research on your topic. Consult a librarian if you need help! Attend your tutorials sessions to get support throughout the process. You get to choose the information you collect and the message you want to give to the reader.

Some reminders:
a. Explore the data sources in the class material and on the internet (look at Tutorial #2 for more detail) to identify two things:

i. What type of homicide do you want to focus on?

ii. Which foreign country will you use as your comparison country?

b. Choose the information that you wish to present. You should focus on:
i. Type of homicide (define, describe, etc.)

ii. Appropriate data (rates are preferable to raw numbers)

2. Explore online to see the various different infographic options available.
Become familiar with what infographics are and what they look like.

a. A good basic overview of the history and use of information graphics is available on Wikipedia: You can also check out:
b. Check out examples of what is considered to be good and bad infographics.

c. More advice about how to make an infographic:

3. Think VISUAL
a. Identify ways to convert texts to images. Try to convert as much of your data and text into visual imagery by using charts, graphics, diagrams, maps, flow charts, and other elements.

b. Determine the desired look you are trying to achieve for your infographic. The visual approach you want helps you determine the color scheme, font types, and structure. Keep things simple with only 23 fonts, sizes, and colors.

4. Plan the “Story” your Infographic will tell. Draw a rough sketch of the infographic. The infographic must have a beginning, middle, and end. Consider developing a concept map, flow diagram, or wireframe (shown below) to depict your infographic plan. Your infographic should fit about an A4 sheet of paper. It should only be one page.