Social Work Practicum I

OverviewThis Signature Assignment fulfills the Program Learning Outcome #6, Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities. Be sure to review all rubric criteria prior to submitting your assignment.

Step 1: This assignment will focus on the initial stages of the Generalist Intervention Model- engagement, interviewing, and initial assessment.
Choose a film or episode from the Show List to use for this assignment. You may not choose a film or show that is not on this list.
Show List:

Good Will Hunting
Hoarders on A&E
Intervention on A&E
Check Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Discovery+ and Netflix as these shows may be available on different platforms. You may find episodes on A&E online on the
Hoarder’s home page or Intervention Full Episodes, Video & More | A&E (

Step 2: While watching the episode or film, choose one character/client to use as the focus for this assignment and focus on the biopsychosocial factors that may impact the client and engagement. You will observe and discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this client/character, and then share how you would engage, assess, and formulate an initial treatment plan for the client based on an evidence-based practice.

Step 3:
Your paper should be structured as follows (be sure to use the headings listed in bold below):

Cover page (not included in the page count)

Film/Episode Synopsis: In only ONE paragraph, provide a brief summary of the video chosen for this paper. Make sure to cite the video in the text and include the reference in APA format at the end in your citations.

Character Assessment (1 page)
Describe the identified client’s clinical presentation like a mini bio-psycho-social. Provide information (as available) on appearance, medical conditions, economic situation, developmental milestones, intersectionality, strengths, challenges, etc.
What family, environmental, social, or other factors are important to understand this client? Think of the person-in-environment perspective.

Engagement (1-2 pages)
What is your engagement plan for this client?
Given what you’ve mentioned in the assessment section, what specifically will you do to build a relationship with your client?
What therapeutic techniques would you use?
How does bias, power, and privilege impact engagement with this client?
How will you engage with the client’s family and/or support system?
How would you address resistance to engagement?

Therapeutic Critique (1 page)
How did the therapist in the video engage with the client?
How did the therapist engage with the client’s family and/or support system?
What specific techniques can you identify the therapist using in the video?
How did the client react to the engagement?
What is your overall review of the work done by the therapist?

Suggested Treatment Plan (1 page)
Thinking ahead to the next stages of the Generalist Intervention Model- planning and implementation- provide a suggested treatment plan for the character based on an evidence-based approach.
Find at least TWO scholarly articles and ONE evidence-based program that support this mode of treatment for this diagnosis.
Suggest a treatment for family members, if applicable.

References (not included in the page count): Include the film or episode you watched, the evidence-based program you recommend for treatment (e.g. a peer-reviewed journal article or reputable website, such as SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center), and at least two additional scholarly sources.