Title: Title: Understanding Muhammad as a Prophet, a General, and a Statesman
Research in Chicago style citation has footnotes, 20 pages, at least 275 words per page, and a minimum of 25 references. You may use up to 3 references per page and no fewer than 275 words per page. You may also use any additional academic materials or recommendations related to the subject. All academic work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors and must be an original work. Please, use the present tense most of the time instead of the past participle tense. Also, use a more active voice instead of passive voice and American English.
You may also use any supplementary learning materials or references related to the subject. Also, you may make minor changes to the subheadings below for the finished document to read smoothly. Please, make a robust and logical argument while comparing and contrasting between the Hebrew King David and Prophet Muhammad. Please, incorporate these subheadings below in your writing, and you may make minor changes as you see it fit to smooth the consistent flow of the research:
Understanding Muhammad before Islam, his Prophethood, Vision, and Mission. 2 pages
Muhammad as a Man, Prophet, Warrior, and Statesman. 2 pages
Intelligence and Reconnaissance in Muhammad’s Fighting Strategy. 3 pages
Muhammad’s Strategy in Fighting, Ending Wars, Negotiation, and Reconciliation. 3 Pages
Comparing Muhammad Strategy of Warfare and King David Strategy of Warfare. 2 pages
Understanding King David before Kingship, his Prophecy, Vision, and Mission. 2 pages
King David as a Man, Prophet, Warrior, and Statesman. 2 pages
Intelligence and Reconnaissance in King David’s Fighting Strategy. 2 pages
King David’s Strategy in Fighting, Ending Wars, Negotiation & Reconciliation. 2 pages

Before getting started with the chapter’s elaboration, it would be worthwhile to provide contextual background and, hence, highlight the subject’s breadth in regards to the understanding of Muhammad as a Prophet, a General, and a Statesman. The research is also interested in comparing Muhammad’s Strategy of Warfare and King David Strategy of Warfare. It is worth mentioning that their resemblances consist of both being legendary, and admired religious and military frontrunners. They both are the central figure in the history and establishment of their respective religious traditions. Moreover, they both are related through the bloodline of Abraham. They both were shepherd prior to receiving the divine message. They were warriors, and Prophets, in addition to David being a poet and king. They both have made mistakes when acted in the human capacity for world affairs.
This research considers various aspects of warfare in early Islam and, where appropriate, compare the techniques, strategies, tactics, and attitudes of Prophet Muhammad and King David periods, up to the present day. It aims to show that, in various aspects, the first and primary Islamic methods to warfare expected later adherents of the faith will be more humane. The first Islamic approach to war should serve as a model for the present day.