1. From your research on the World Health Organization website, discuss the single most significant weakness in the U.S. health care system and its impact on the utilization of health care services.

Make at least one recommendation for addressing that weakness from a marketing perspective.

Anticipate what major changes will take place in the health care industry over the next 25 years and how the marketing of health care will differ as a result of those changes.

Provide specific examples to support your response.

  1. Analyze the SWOT and Five Forces analyses and determine which would be more valuable from a marketing perspective. Provide specific examples of how you could use the results of either analysis to support informed marketing efforts.

Recall a situation in which you sought health care of some type (not including care for an injury or illness). Determine if your situation followed the five steps of the buying decision model and what role marketing may have played in your seeking care. How does a personal decision differ from an organization’s buying decision process? Provide specific examples and rationale to support your response

  1. Briefly describe a health care provider of your choice and determine the best methods to gather and respond to market intelligence on opportunities and threats specific to that organization. Include how internal records or data would be included in your evaluation. Explain your rationale. (Consider using the product or service that you chose for the Brochure and Email assignment.) The service used was Davita Kidney Care https://www.davita.com/treatment-services/home-dialysis HHD.

Referring to the same health care provider, determine the best possible methods for conducting reliable market research specific to the organization you selected. Explain your rationale. From the discussion preparation research, discuss how you would use the source you found on the Internet to craft a marketing strategy for your chosen health care provider.

  1. Go to the website of your chosen health care organization within 100 miles of your home. Review at least two of their social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube). Critique their website and at least two of their social media platforms. Davita Kidney Care of Pinehurst NC

What recommendations would you suggest for improvement?

Do the website and social media platforms target the appropriate audience?

  1. Use the health care provider you selected to research for your discussion preparation. Discuss the best way for this health care provider to distinguish and differentiate its product or service offerings from those of its competitors. Provide specific examples to support your response. Davita Kidney Care of Pinehurst NC

Next, describe a novel product or service (please be as creative as you like) and briefly discuss a brand management strategy. Discuss the steps in the development process and identify the step that may pose a major challenge. Provide specific examples to support your response.

  1. Referring to the same novel health care product or service you came up with last week, determine how you would assess demand for the product or service and the cost to produce your product or deliver your service. Also determine how you would establish a price. Davita Kidney Care of Pinehurst NC

Provide specific examples and a rationale to support your response.

Describe a situation that would require you to adapt the price of your product or service.

Consider the impact of government and private payers on your pricing strategies. Provide specific examples to support your response.