Choose at least 3 print or electronic form of advertisement. Undertake an analysis of the various representational elements in those advertisements. What are some of the ideologies and values which circulate in the ads, and which support and underwrite the interests of capitalist industries? Explore the role of advertising industry within the capitalist system and its relationship with the culture industry – how it fosters false consciousness, and contributes to the standardization of cultural life and consumers. (Do not take on the topics such as how does alcohol or tobacco advertisements affect on people’s consumption habits, the impact of the fast food commercials on child obesity, or the marketing strategies of Dove’s advertising campaign. Do not focus on the marketing effectiveness of advertising.) Media sources (newspaper articles, letters to the editor,
TV clips, YouTube videos, radio broadcasts, podcasts, etc.) are strongly encouraged
– in fact, I expect you to use them – and must be cited fully and correctly. For
anything you access via the web, an access date must be provided. DOUBLE SPACED.