Sensory or Motor Systems

Choose and describe one human sensory system (touch, sight, hearing, smell or taste). Use the following source to support your analysis:

Bear, M., Connors, B., & Paradiso, M. A. (2020). Neuroscience: Exploring the brain: Exploring the brain, enhanced edition (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. (Links to an external site.) ISBN-10: ‎ 1284211282, ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1284211283

and ONE source from the following:

• A large collection of varied sensory and perception tests or demonstrations. Scroll down until you see the heading “Sensation and Perception” (Links to an external site.)
• Example neurologic exams (video) (Links to an external site.)
• Zeiss Inc. online vision screening. This is not a promoted company and only use the tests for educational purposes. Do not pay for anything and beware of any possible marketing pitches [Data Collection Available]
• Auditory Testing with an experiment you can run and look for “Frequency Response of the Ear”. Browse the website for other tests of other modalities. [Data Collection Available]
• A cool biological motion imitation engine with user modifiable movement parameters including gender, happiness, and more. (Links to an external site.)
• Red/Green Stoplight – Online Reaction Time test [Data Collection Available]


Part 1 (200 words minimum):

– Identify the sense.
– Briefly describe its related sensory receptors.
– Briefly explain how they “transduce” physical stimuli.
– List the main regions of the nervous system that bring this information into the primary sensory cortex for that sense.
– Try to explain what happens to this sensory information as it moves to ever higher levels of the nervous system, transforming raw inputs to conscious sensations.

Part 2 (200 words minimum):
– Explain the significance of this knowledge (why you care about this information and how it could inform understanding or decision making in a variety of situations including psychological or medical treatment, law or employment, culture, and diversity).