Wellness Activity 4 

Wellness (Cosmetics)

Global or Social Issues Related to the Wellness

            The global wellness issue is the usage of cosmetics and the toxicity of these products in terms of well-being. Since information is considered a fundamental commodity in today’s technologically advanced society, harmful products must be regulated to ensure that society’s health does not decline. In the 1850s, when American beauty and cosmetic items started to appear on the market, lead poisoning was first discovered. In the absence of the government, common sense took responsibility for determining the harmfulness of items and food.

Target Population

Cosmetics and lead poisoning mostly affect women. Women have always been affected by this wellness aspect. As more women gain literacy, the cosmetics sector must adapt to shifting client requirements. Thus, cosmetic product toxicity affects women. Women typically use cosmetics to appear better. Colorful brow pencils and lipsticks complement their grins. Women are less likely to utilize these things; hence they must be marketed. This shows that most women care for their health. Therefore, they need not worry about the future.

How Society Impacts the Chosen Issue

The focus here is on the connection between health and cosmetics. As a culture, society places more importance on looks than health and the capacity to make money. Although many women are aware of the hazards and toxicity of cosmetics, they nonetheless use them. It’s important to think about how poisonous items and harmful habits affect people’s well-being.

General Education Interdisciplinary Lens for Analyzing the Topic

            This course focuses on cosmetics and lead poisoning since it relates to wellness. Everyone deserves a healthy existence. In today’s information-driven world, FDA reports are vital for deciding which items to buy and consume. If the FDA flags a cosmetic product, it may be dangerous to use. The use of cosmetics to change skin tone is discussed (Caiola et al., 2018). Global information transmission is key to swaying consumer choices or directing them toward particular products.

Thesis Statement

            After studying features of wellness and the lenses that analyze how many there are for a healthy, wellness-based society, it is good to learn about techniques that have revolutionized society in terms of beauty and attitude resending from women.