Week 4 Discussion

Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Be professional and constructive in your reply. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations.

1. This scenario is not uncommon, as many consumers have questioned the weight/ratio of the items they have received. With this said, it’s not a bad practice to run a test like this every so often to ensure the machines are correctly calibrated. Here is some additional information on why these tests are important: Hypothesis testing (https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and-statistics/hypothesis-testing/)

Do you conduct tests like this at your employer? When may a test like this be applicable?

2. Using these statistics, we can indeed conclude that the machinery should be recalibrated. Creating a null and alternate hypothesis is one of the first steps when faced with a situation like this.Video on Hypthesis testing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zZYBALbZgg)

What if there are more than two possible solutions? Is it possible to still come up with a null and alternate?