Discussion: Putting it All Together – Corrosion Control

Aircraft corrosion is a perennial problem and will continue to be problematic as long as metals continue to be used in aircraft construction. Corrosion prone areas in an aircraft are exhaust trail areas, battery compartments and battery vent openings, bilge areas (sumps for waste hydraulic fluid, water, etc.), wheel well and landing gear, wing flap and spoiler recesses, external skin, and the engine front and cooling air vents. In geographic regions with high humidity, acid rain, or proximity to saltwater, aircraft corrosion must be vigilantly protected against.
The primary methods of corrosion control are

  • 1) materials selection (e.g., anodized or alodized alloy),
  • 2) pre-treatment (trivalent chromium, epoxy primer),
  • 3) finish layer (e.g., Alclad, paint, wax or oil, polyurethane, polymers, sol-gel, nanoparticles, sacrificial metallic coating),
  • 4) drainage (removal of water, the most common electrolyte),
  • 5) corrosion-inhibiting compounds.

Initial Post
Choose a recent news article highlighting a current event or recent research from an online science news source such as Science Daily, o Science News o or Phys.org Spotlight Science News (Science X)o regarding aircraft corrosion. The article could focus on corrosion mechanisms, corrosion control, or corrosion-resistant materials. Just be sure that the article centers on aircraft corrosion. Do not use reference websites like Wikipedia. If you use a blog, you must thoroughly evaluate the credibility of the author.
Construct an engaging 3-paragraph initial post that covers the following points:

  • • Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize the main points of the article in your own words.
  • Paragraph 2: Discuss one or more specific ways that the article is directly tied to the concepts studied in this module.
  • • Paragraph 3: Give us “your take” on the relevance and importance of the article’s main points by providing personal points of view or related experiences.

Embed at least one graphic or video that helps visualize some aspect of your initial post discussion.
• To embed a YouTube video, simply paste the video URL into your post.

• To embed images from the web directly into the discussion post, review the Canvas resource, How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student? (Canvas Community) o If you have trouble embedding the image into your post, you can simply insert the image URL directly into your post.

For your initial post only: Before making your initial post to the discussion forum, submit a file containing your initial post in the Module 7 Putting it All Together – Initial Post Originality Check assignment on the next page of the module for a check of the originality of your work. Then, return to this discussion forum and submit your initial post. Be aware that you will receive zero points for your discussion post if you do not upload your initial post for the originality check.