Elasticity in microeconomics

Your research paper topic will cover a specific area that relates to elasticity in microeconomics. The topic should be chosen in consultation with the professor. Students write the report as if they were a company or industry consultants considering the establishment/maintenance of price, quantity produced or sold, or a change in price or quantity.

Your paper must include the following elements (this forms the basis of the project rubric):
• Detailed elasticity analysis for a product or brand.
• Calculations for at least two types of elasticity (examples: price, income elasticity)
• Cover page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Analysis, Conclusions (should be the bulk of the paper, written in the role of a consultant), References, Appendices
• Links to each electronic citation used, when able. APA adherence, original work (see plagiarism standard), and full reference captions for figures, pictures, logos, or other copied work used for educational purposes