Quiz 1

1. Declaration of Alma Ata (1978) stated that “Primary health care is essential health care…made universally accessible…at a cost that the community and country can afford…” with the goal of “Health for All” by 2000. As we know, this goal has yet to be achieved in 2022. What are 2-3 major obstacles that still remain, and why are they still an issue, even decades since this Declaration (4 points)?

1a. 2-3 obstacles that still remain (2 points)

1b. Why do these obstacles persist today? (2 points)

2. If you were currently the head of the World Health organization, these are two action items you would plan and implement to address these obstacles (6 points). Please provide 1 reference to support each action item proposed:

2a Action item #1 (action item 2 points; reference/rationale 1 point)

2b Action item #2 (action item 2 points; reference/rationale 1 point)