Choose one of the following three questions for your essay topic:

1.Herodotus was not an eyewitness to the events he describes in his history whereas both Thucydides and Xenophon were. Does this affect the way that each of the three historians present their narratives? Does it make Herodotus less or more reliable? (Consider such issues as the merits of eyewitness reports, the type of sources each historian uses, issues of bias, how much thematic concerns distort the type of material presented, etc.)

2.Could Athens have Won the Peloponnesian War? Discuss.

3. Was King Agesilaus, who reigned in Sparta c. 400-‐360 BCE, responsible for Spartanloss of hegemony? Discuss.

Instructions:-The word limit for this essay is 2000 words, excluding block quotations, footnotes and bibliography. Essays in excess of 200 words under or over this limit will be penalized.

-Please submit your essay as a word document taking not account the following:

1)Your essay must have a title page, with your name, student ID#, essay title & word count

2)The pages of your essay must be numbered

3)Your essay should be double spaced, you should use a 12-point font and leavea wide margin (at least 2.5cm/1 inch)

4)You must use a minimumof 2 primary sources and 4 secondary sources

5)Your essay must include a bibliography and proper citations

6)Your citations should be in the form of footnotes and follow the Chicago style of formatting

*Please Note: For guidance regarding proper citation practice please refer to the citation link provided on the course D2L. Also, make sure to read the Essay Guide for additional requirements and guidance.These items will be posted in Week 4