End of project evaluation report (EOP report)

You are to generate an end of project evaluation report (EOP report) that includes the following:

• Outline the objectives of the project and indicate if they were achieved or not and if not, why not?
• Outline any benefits that have been achieved and if these were expected or unexpected.
• Did the project stay within its original scope? This is the project’s timescale, the budget, and the projects tolerances.
• Explain the changes that were made in the run up to the completion of the project. These are changes made in the original plan. Also, what were effects of these changes on this project.
• Highlight the critical success/failure factors, lessons learnt, and make appropriate recommendations.
• Were there any risks which you felt you could have identified earlier on in the project? What do you feel prevented you from identifying them, or were they unavoidable and unpredictable?