Primary Source Analysis Essay

Having printed the Primary Source: Opinions & Social Pressure document and analyzed it using the Primary Source Analysis Guide, follow each of the prompts from the Primary Source Analysis Guide in referring to the specific details (short passages, names, brief quotes, dates, places, key terms, etc.) that stood out to you. Use these details and examples to argue a thesis of your own that addresses the relationship between social pressure and conformity during the Cold War era.

While this assignment affords you some flexibility, avoid using outside sources and limit the essay’s scope to the materials I’ve made available (primary source, analysis guide, course textbook & video series). Do not re-write the guide’s prompts in your essay, but do address all 10 of them at some point in the paper. Quote sparingly, and give your paper a fitting title. This proofread essay must be at least 750 words and uploaded in a file format supported by Turnitin (Links to an external site.). Be sure your submission is an original work, as the plagiarism (Links to an external site.) filter on my side will flag anything otherwise.