Comparative essay assignment

This is a comparative essay assignment where you have to compare 2 things I would like you to compare either 2- movies or 2-anime or a book and a movie and before you start could you please tell me the two things you will be comparing so I can tell you if its ok or to change it

This is a example introduction to one of these comparative essay given to me by my teacher

Compare the ways in which Elie Wiesel and Ang Lee present the journey of survival in ‘Night’ and ‘Life of Pi’.

Survival is the act of maintaining life throughout an unusual time of strife. Survival stories transcend time and place, where classic survival stories have shaped the definition of survival in today’s world. Survival, therefore, is an important aspect of literature, allowing audiences to connect and understand different human experiences and harness new interests. This is displayed throughout both the movie Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee, and the novel, Night, by Eli Wiesel. Within Life of Pi, the protagonist, Pi, experiences a shipwreck, in which he becomes stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger. His religious passion, caring human nature, and strong survival instincts guide him to survival, unlocking new levels of human assiduity as his survival journey progresses. Similarly, in Night, the protagonist Eli, a Holocaust survivor, describes his journey throughout concentration camps. His extraordinary, surreal journey of survival proves both the physical and emotional strength of human beings. Though both pieces explore one’s journey of survival, the different ways in which human beings adapt and persevere proves that everyone’s journey of survival varies and is unique to one’s resilience."