Mindfulness-Based Sobriety: Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Curriculum

Part 1:
Staff and client introductions and check-in (two-tiered check-in) (15 to 45 minutes)
Initial check-in: Name, sobriety date, and something the client did mindfully outside of group)
Follow-up questions:
“Any risky situations? How did you cope?”
“Any successes or goals met?”
Introduction to mindfulness (10 to 15 minutes) (see appendix A)
Brief mindfulness experience
Open discussion of experiences
Questions or comments
Brief review of MBS model (5 to 10 minutes) (see appendix B)
Introduction to topic of the day (10 to 15 minutes)
Break, 10 minutes)

Part 2:
Topic of the day (45 to 60 minutes)
Break, 10 minutes)

Part 3:
Topic of the day, continued (20 to 30 minutes)
Debriefing and review (10 to 20 minutes)
Summary statements by clinician group leader
Elicitation of feedback from clients on today’s group
“What are you walking away with?”
General feedback: “What made sense? What didn’t make sense or was not so useful? What do you need in future groups?” (The purpose is to engage clients and elicit
specific feedback for tailoring MBS to their specific needs. Additionally, the clini
cian may tie clients’ needs self-assessments to relapse prevention and future topics.)

Values and goals: “What steps have you taken toward your values and goals in recent days or weeks?”
Random question (favorite movies, books, music, and so on)
Reminder to practice MBS skills (practice between sessions)
Brief closing mindfulness experience (10 to 15 minutes) (see appendix A)
Clinician announces topic for next group IOP Group Topic Rotation:
Exploring values
Exploring and setting goals
Defusing from the addiction
Value-based avoidance
Building recovery skills, part 1
Building recovery skills, part 2
Quality of life: Value-based living

The following pages are organized by session topics. They contain session descriptions, session outlines, facilitator’s guides, and client handouts.

Session 1: Exploring Values
Session Objectives

Group members will:

Identify personal values and things in their lives that are important to them.
Learn the relationship and distinction between values and goals.
Practice and enhance mindfulness skills.
Further their understanding of comprehensive sobriety planning through the MBS model.

Session Outline
Staff and client introductions and check-in (15 to 45 minutes)
Introduction to mindfulness (10 to 15 minutes)
Brief review of MBS model (5 to 10 minutes)
Topic introduction: “Important person” exercise (10 to 15 minutes)    Break (10 minutes)
Introduction to values and goals (20 to 30 minutes)
Experiential values exercises (20 to 30 minutes)    Break (10 minutes)
“What’s Important” worksheet (20 to 30 minutes)
Debriefing/review (10 to 20 minutes)
Brief closing mindfulness experience (10 to 15 minutes)
Topic for next group

Session Materials
Session materials, including facilitator guides and client handouts, can be found at the end of
the “Session Description.”
Facilitator Guides:

Script for Experiential Exercise 1
Script for Experiential Exercise 2
Value-Based Living: Ideas to Keep in Mind (Facilitator Copy)     Client Handouts:
Value-Based Living: Ideas to Keep in Mind
Valued Experiences
What’s Important Worksheet

Session Description
1. Staff and client introductions and check-in
(two-tiered check-in) (15 to 45 minutes). The two- tiered check-in is designed to allow each person in the group to speak and offer input prior to
opening up the floor to larger issues that may need to be processed (such as high-risk situations,
goals, successes, and so on).
The facilitator begins the session by asking all group members to answer the first tier of ques
tions. Once all members have answered the first tier of questions, the facilitator encourages
members to address the second tier. This latter tier may or may not involve the participation of the
entire group.

Initial Check-In:
First Tier:
Name, sobriety date, and something clients did mindfully outside of group
Second Tier:
“Any risky situations? How did you cope?”
“Any successes or goals met?”

2. Introduction to mindfulness (10 to 15 minutes). The facilitator should refer to appendix A for the script and instructions.
Brief mindfulness experience
Open discussion of experiences
Questions and comments

3. Brief review of MBS model (5 to 10 minutes). The facilitator provides a brief review of comprehensive sobriety planning by referring to the MBS model. For an overview of the MBS model,
the facilitator should refer to appendix B.
Experienced group members may assist in this review process.

4. Topic introduction: “Important person” exercise (10 to 15 minutes). This exercise is designed to help group members to make contact with their personal values through recalling people who are or have been important or influential in their lives. The facilitator should begin the exercise by instructing group members to think of someone who is important to them (dead, alive, friend, relative, stranger, and so on). Then she should ask group members to think about what they would want that person to say about them on being asked, “What type of person is (name of group member)?”