Critical Reading Assignment #2

This is a short reflection essay. You will be graded on the extent to which your reflection is clear, concise and reflective and supports a thesis that is located in the last sentence of your first paragraph. Each reflection should include an introductory paragraph, supporting paragraph(s) and concluding paragraph; each essay should be between 3 to 5 pages and written in 12-point font with 1 inch margins. This essay should also be double-spaced and you are free to use the citation style of your choosing (MLA, APA, or Chicago). If you are unsure about how to cite from the sources please let me know. You do not need, however, a citation or reference or bibliography page, as I am familiar with all of the materials that you are to use for this essay; please, no outside sources. You, therefore, must evidence familiarity with the readings yet demonstrate original thinking. I suggest that you first write your reflection in a Word document and then save it to your flash, cloud or desktop, as sometimes technology is very faulty. Then upload your reflection. (I want students to enjoy writing this reflection, so begin early and although it is short, be thorough.)

There is no right or wrong answer here, but do demonstrate critical thinking, historical accuracy and intentional use of materials for the week.
In reviewing Van Peebles’ Panther (1995), Hudlin’s animated Black Panther (2011) and Thomas’ The Hate U Give (2018), discuss in full detail, what each film and supporting readings teach viewers about African American life and ideals about what defines liberation and the methods towards liberation. In writing your reflection, synthesize the below questions into a coherent essay. Be sure to have ONE thesis for your essay however. For full credit, respond to the following:

The ideals of the Black Panther Party are situated within the larger civil rights era and Black Power movement in particular. Discuss societal concerns and injustices that the Black Panther party sought to adrdress as revealed in Peeble’s film. What were some of the solutions and methods in addressing/alleviating these concerns and injustices? Are these solutions plausible given the conditions? For context, be sure to review the previous lecture notes on the Black Power movement, for instance.

Now, given the intentions of the Black Panther Party as revealed in Peeble’s film, what does Coogler’s, Black Panther teach us (see commentaries in readings for the week)? Does it add to our understanding of societal injustice in the lives of Africana people? Does the film teach us about liberation for Africana people or is this film just entertainment? Think about the end of the film in particular when solutions are proposed to “help” African Americans. In other words, what ideas for liberation are revealed within the new Black Panther film and are they plausibe? In responding to this question, think about if you agree or disagree with Lebron and Burrough’s critiques and why or why not? And how is this interation of Black Panther different from or similiar to Hudlin’s Black Panther animation (2011)? What is his work about? Are his intentions similiar to or distinct from the message(s) in Coogler’s work?

In thinking about our contemporary Black Lives Matter Movement (see reading) and The Hate U Give, what is the purpose of this novel and film and does it speak to the contemporary discussion of police death of Africana/Black and brown bodies? Is it important to document these experiences? Why or why not? What solutions do the novel and film propose, if at all? How does this film, then, compare to messages within varying interations of Black Panther?

For full credit alse use examples from the readings and each film!!!!! Demonstrate that you are thinking about these ideas.