The Logic

Any topic relating to the below requirement is fine

Your Final Paper will be exploring, critically analyzing, and conveying a topic of your choosing. It could be a song, a clip/scene from a film, a painting, an advertisement (print, video), a children’s book, a story, a passage from a book, gay conversion therapy, any movement (eg, black lives matter), the millennial generation, a superhero, this class, etc. Whatever you choose, bear in mind that it can’t be so complex that you aren’t able to encapsulate it into 3-5 page analysis and presentation. Basically, don’t choose something so complex (e.g., the Logic of Contemporary Western Evangelicalism Manifested in War Torn Islamic Countries Converting more to Capitalism and Westernism rather than Christianity, thus Displaying The Machinations of the Illuminati), that it would take more than 3-5 pages to fully discuss and present. SRSLY THO. THIS IS NOT A TERM PAPER, OR DEGREE PAPER.

Using and applying what you’ve learned throughout the semester, demonstrate the goal presented in the first chapter of the book: “Critical [thought] [is about] making wise decisions and coming to CORRECT CONCLUSIONS.” (pg. 1, emphasis mine) Your overall goal is to demonstrate that you’ve reached THE CORRECT CONCLUSION about your topic, by providing a COMPLETE analysis which conveys the following:
– Is your topic making a Claim(s) of any kind, and if so, what is it/are they?
– What kind of Reasoning (or Argument) is used/presented by your topic? (Inductive? Deductive?)
– Does your topic rely on the use of any Rhetoric? And if so, how does this affect/alter its Argument about its Claim?
– Is Persuasion (in any part, or in whole) the goal/intention of your topic? If so, for what?
– Is anything left Ambiguous or Vague?
– What is the Credibility to the Claim(s) made by your topic? What is the Credibility of any Source within your topic?
– Are there any Fallacies (whether clear or subtle) contained within your topic? If so, what are they? Do they completely undermine the Claim(s) your topic makes?
– Does your topic assert any Value Judgments? What about and what are they? (Moral? Aesthetic?)
– If your topic DOES make any Value Judgments, What Theory(ies)/Perspectives are they operating out of? Moral? Aesthetic? (If Moral, WHAT Moral/Ethical Theory/Perspective? If Aesthetic, WHAT Aesthetic Theory/Principle?) Why is it important for your topic to make these? What do they add to your topic?