H630 – WK 12 Health Security and Diplomacy

Target: Explain global aspects of public health, including the migration of disease, various health interventions, and the array of international organizations that promote public health.

Look through Listings of WHO’s response to COVID-19.

-Explain why the WHO delayed the declaration of the novel coronavirus outbreak a PHEIC until January 30, 2020.

-Provide evaluation of the WHO activities relevant to COVID-19.

-Then, pick any country – a member- (I like to compare USA and INDIA) and compare how its COVID-10 relevant activities are aligned with the WHO recommendation. Is the chosen country prosperous in Pandemic response locally? Why yes/not?

-What is this country’s role in the Global response to the Pandemic? Is it enough to assure the Globe shortens the time to Pandemic resolution? Why yes/not?

**Remember the health equity and social justice principles when responding to this prompt. Consider the country’s efforts toward Global health security and involvement in diplomacy to assure it. Try to support your conclusions with evidence. Keep a neutral position when commenting on political matters contributing to the outcomes.

Make sure to support your reasoning and conclusions with evidence from credible sources (no less than 2). Format citations and references in APA 7. Try not to write more than 500 words

Class Week Instructions:
Week 12: Health Security and Diplomacy – Future Trends. Emergency response
To close the course, this module closely investigates the health security and diplomacy efforts in the context of emergency response and future trends in public health.

Weekly objectives:

Analyze the importance of security and diplomacy in the resolution of global public health challenges
Discuss political and legislative initiatives targeting the public health needs
Offer insight on the global community’s role in addressing current and future public health and disaster response and planning.

***S.3829 – Global Health Security and Diplomacy Act of 2020 (for reference)

***Global Health Security Bill (as introduced) (for reference)

1. Global health security is integral to foreign policy

2. Global Health Diplomacy and the Security of Nations Beyond COVID-19(3 p.)

3. DeSalvo, K.B., Wang, Y.C., Harris, A., Auerbach, J., Koo, D., & O’Carroll, P. (2017). Public Health 3.0: A Call to Action for Public Health to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century. Preventing Chronic Disease; 14:170017. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd14.170017

***Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Emergency Response and Recovery. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/healthprotection/errb/index.html(for reference)

***Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Retrieved from: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/43291_sendaiframeworkfordrren.pdf (37 p. for reference)

***Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2016). Financing Global Health 2015: Development assistance steady on the path to new Global Goals. Seattle, WA: IHME. Retrieved from http://www.healthdata.org/policy-report/financing-global-health-2015-development-assistance-steady-path-new-global-goals).(for reference)

4. AliMed (2018). Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities

5. Frequently Asked Questions National Health Security Preparedness Index, 2020 Release (7 p.)

The Globe

1. International Health Regulations- the WHO

2. Global Health. Why Nurses Hold the Key to Global Health Security. (4 p.)

3. Revisiting Global Health Security Measures in COVID 19 Pandemic. (4 p.)

4. Are we ready to deal with a global COVID-19 pandemic? Rethinking countries’ capacity based on the Global Health Security Index (5 p.)

5. Global Health Security: A Blueprint for the Future (1 p.)

6. Global Health Security: Addressing Social Determinants of Health through programs and other initiatives (10 p.)



9. Global health security and universal health coverage: Understanding convergences and divergences for a synergistic response (16 p.)

10. Bio-informational diplomacy: Global health emergencies, data sharing and sequential life (25 p.)

***Kathryn E. Bouskill, Elta Smith (2019) Global Health and Security: Threats and Opportunities https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE300/PE332/RAND_PE332.pdf(27 p. for reference))

***Laaser, U., & Brand, H. (2014). Global Health in the 21st Century. Global health action, 7, 23694. doi: 10.3402/gha. v7.23694 (for reference)

11. 10 global health issues to track in 2021

***UNHCR (2014). On Faith-Based Organizations, Local Faith Communities, and Faith Leaders. Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Retrieved from http://www.unhcr.org/539ef28b9.pdf (for reference)