Utilizingthe content in Unit 07–Leadership at Work(i.e., lecture material, mandatory readings), respond to the above quote in a reflective manner. You may find the quote to be fully true, partially true, or not true at all.Think about it in the context of your experiences at your Work Integrated Learningenvironment, previous work environments, and/or places where you have volunteered your time in a professional capacity.In yourreflective response, think about your experiences to date andrecognize the roles and perceptions of your supervisor/boss/manager. What type of leader is heor she? Were youable to take on aleadership role at any point? In the future, what type of leader would you like to become–and how do you see this happening?Describe, explain,andprovide examples. When typing up your reflective response, remember to consider the followingthree statements:•Leaders are conscious of how their emotions and behavior impact others.•Leaders actively manage the tension between staying positive and facing reality.•Leaders remain engaged, by focusing on the future and accepting responsibilityto be the difference you want to see in others