Barack Obama Speech

listen to speech that he gave at the democratic national convention in Boston, MA- July 27, 2004. This has to be done the same as the one I submitted this morning. Read: chapter 3& 4 from book Stand up speak out. all question must be written first and answered under each question, and it must tie to the book chapters 3 & 4 and the speech itself that is why it’s important to listen to speech and read both chapters as I stated in the details of the last speech I submitted because the first one writer 4399 I did not give this instruction, even though my professor, gave the paper nice review. it was not tied in with the questions and it must include the question in the paper as it is being written.

Here is the question for this paper:

1. What is your overall impression of Obama’s speech? What did you learn and how has it made you a better communicator?

2. what connections can you make between chapter 4 and the assigned speech?

3. What connections can you make between chapter 5 and the assigned speech?

Note: This is also to be sent to writer 4399/ also these assignments are a discussion form assignment.