The Validity of 16 AHRQ’s Patient Safety Indicators to Identify In-hospital Complications Outside of the US

Write the manuscript for the research article based on the provided materials. The article should include the following sections: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references based on the requirements of the following target journal: International Journal of Quality in Healthcare (
In addition, relate our findings to the results of previous studies, including but not necessarily limited to the ones that I have sent you (particularly in the introduction and the discussion of the paper).
The formatting of the manuscript, the title page, the tables, the table legends, and the references should be according to the requirements of the target journal (see above).
If possible, provide the references that you include in the reference list of the article in a citation management software (such as Endnote or Zotero or Mendeley).
Finally, note that the number of sources that I indicated in the online form is just a broad suggestion. Feel free to include as many sources as you deem suitable.