The role of learned security through attachment theory in the development and modulation of fear in an adult

As part of the structure of this course you will need to write an essay of between 2000 2500 words on the following topic:

Critically discuss and evaluate the importance of the role of learned security through the lens of attachment theory in the development and modulation of fear in an adult.

Note: This question will be answered in the context of a case study.

This essay is crafted in such a way that the intersection and contradictions between this theory and the neurobiological and / or cognitive underpinnings of fear need to be critiqued in order to
determine the strengths and weaknesses of the learned security theory. The case study will allow for a thorough examination of the multifaceted aspects of fear development.

The primary purpose in using essaystyle assessments in this course is to evaluate your ability to access, select, interpret and evaluate topicrelevant literature that you are then able to assemble and integrate in constructing an argument. An essay involves taking up a position in response to a topic statement or question, and the structure and content of an essay should form an extended argument for, and defence of, the position you are taking, as informed by the readings you have sourced, read, and cited. Writing an academic essay is a critical skill and outcome of courses based in the Humanities. An electronic copy of final version of your essay must be submitted using this tab on Ulwazi before 15h00 on Wednesday 7 September 2021 as per the following instructions:

1. Your essay should be a file in MS Word format (.docx), with ONLY your surname, student number and fourdigit course code as the file name. For example, Meyer_204321_3034.docx.

2. The first page of this file must please include your name and surname and student/person number only. (As with your quiz & assignment, you will submit a separate cover page and declaration form see below). Your personal details should be immediately followed by the body of your essay. Your reference list (in APA7 format) should follow the conclusion of your essay, on a new page with a clear title ‘References’.

3. An essay cover page and plagiarism declaration form is available on Ulwazi. This form needs to be completed and uploaded to the ‘Essay Declaration’ tab on Ulwazi. Essays submitted without a corresponding declaration form will not be marked. You will have two submissions available on this tab this is to allow you a draft submission to check your Turnitin score should
you require it, but whatever essay version is submitted here by the due date will be taken as the final submission.

Note: TurnItIn no longer allows for ‘bibliographic material’ to be excluded in its similarity report, so clearly mark your reference list according to the APA7 guidelines and interpret your draft score with this in mind, noting [as always] that the essays will be independently checked for plagiarism.


-Attachment without Fear1.pdf
