Mission & Vision Statement

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Mission & Vision

Kingdom Economic Development Corporation is a faith-driven venture development organization, combining the principles of (private) venture capital and (non-profit) economic development to help entrepreneurs start and grow companies. In collaboration with our partners, Kingdom EDC will generate dramatically improved and inclusive economic outcomes by supporting diverse entrepreneurs, optimizing entrepreneurial ecosystems and accelerating innovation.

Our work is focused on three core areas:
* Making Investments: We provide entrepreneurs with access to capital they need to grow their startup businesses quickly.
* Delivering Services: We provide technical assistance to help high-potential businesses solve problems, drive growth and create jobs.
* Acting as a Value-Added Partner: We work on behalf of private, public and philanthropic funders who want to assist entrepreneurs—making grants and convening networks to turn their vision and resources into action and impact.

Kingdom Economic Development Corporation is a faith-driven venture development organization providing access to capital, services and connections to help entrepreneurs grow, researchers commercialize and corporations innovate. Our mission is to unlock the full potential of faith-drive entrepreneurs to transform entire communities.

Our experienced team is uniquely positioned to help tech startups, small businesses, corporate partners and research institutions.
Through capital, services and connections, JumpStart strives to create equitable opportunities and accessible business assistance for Black, Hispanic/Latino and women-led companies to drive progress toward a more diverse, inclusive and sustainable future.