FBI’s investigation and prosecution

Assignment Content

The mission of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children (VCAC) program is to provide an aggressive task force to counter all threats of abuse and exploitation of children.

Assume you work for a nonprofit organization that assists abused women and children by providing needed resources when necessary. You are aware of an ongoing community problem that involves human trafficking of women and children. You contact the local FBI office for information on combatting these crimes.

The FBI agent asks you to visit the FBI’s Violent Crime website to gain an understanding of the crimes the FBI is responsible for investigating. He also suggests you organize a community outreach program that can educate local citizens on how to identify and report suspicious human trafficking incidents. The agent states that he will attend your community gathering of concerned citizens to answer questions and assist in community training.


Create a 500-word outline for the training session that includes the following:

An introduction that discusses the problems you see hindering the FBI’s investigation and prosecution of women/child sex tourism in this country and foreign countries
A summary of 3 of the most violent crimes against women/children you find through your research
Evidence for each of the 3 most violent crimes
Recommendations for how the local community members can recognize, identify, and report suspicious human trafficking incidents in your community