Assignment Report: Compulsory Components that must be in your report.

No. Components Marks Allocated 1.0 Introduction 5% 2.0 Archimedes’ Principle 5% 3.0 Scientific Principles 5% 4.0 Application 5% 5.0 Methodology & Results 30% 6.0 Discussion 20% 7.0 Conclusion 10% 8.0 Video Presentation 20% TOTAL 100%

1.0 Introduction
The introduction provides a brief overview of the substance of the report, usually no more than half a page. It is brief explanation of the topic. The introduction should outline all the key features of your report, including the topic, what you did and how you did it, and the main outcomes of your work

2.0 Archimedes Principle
The section provides the background information needed for the rest of your report to be understood. It is usually 1-2 pages in length. The purpose of the section is to set the context for your report, provide sufficient background information for the reader to be able to follow the information presented. The background to the topic of your report must set your work in its broad context.
APU Level 0
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 20220808
EE003-4-0 —ESC
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3.0 Scientific Principle
In this section, you should come out with technical background necessary to understand the report; e.g. theory or assumptions. You should give some technical explanation on the theorems, formulas and equations related to Archimedes’. Use figures and calculations to help you in your explanation. Fully state the physical principle in the form of a statement and a mathematical equation, with all parameters and units fully described.

4.0 Application
In this section, you should come out the Archimedes’ application in the real world. You should provide at least 4 examples of the application; provide pictures and explanations on each example.

5.0 Methodology & Results
In this section, you should come out with your own original model. List down the procedures done to obtain the mass and density of the model created. Use figures and calculations to help you in your explanation. Results can be put in a table form.

6.0 Discussion
In this section, you should give some technical explanation on the results obtained. Provide reasoning and analyze on the effect of the model created, medium tested and results obtained.
APU Level 0
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 20220808
EE003-4-0 —ESC
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7.0 Conclusion
The Conclusion is a short summary of the results of your work. It should give a concise statement of what has been achieved. Anticipated application of techniques developed should be summarized very briefly. The Conclusion should be self-contained, i.e., it should not make reference to any sections, figures, or references in the report.
The conclusions section provides an effective ending to your report. The content should relate directly to the aims of the project as stated in the introduction, and sum up the essential features of your work. This section:
• states whether you have achieved your aims • gives a brief summary of the key findings or information in your report • highlights the major outcomes of your investigation and their significance.

8.0 Presentation & Model Created
In this section, you should

  • Describe the model which you have created.
  • Demonstrate/test the model which you have created.
  • Show that you have achieved all of the required criteria.

Tasks that need to be done: 1. Report,

Write a 2000-word report about Archimedes’ Principle in Section 1(a), (b), (c) and (d). Your report should include the below elements. See also attached Appendix A. – Well-presented and must be typed. Formatted with a font size of 12pt Times New Roman and 1.5-line spacing. Ensure the paragraphs are properly aligned/ justified. – Pages of the report must be properly numbered. Table of contents and list of figures included. All figures and tables must be properly labeled and referenced in the text. Properly citing sources of information using the APA Referencing. Compulsory components that must be in your report which shows the allocated marks for each component respectively. Expected number of pages: 10-15 pages’ maximum.

(a) Explain Archimedes’ Principle and Buoyancy along with definition. Express the Archimedes’ Principle in the form of a statement and in mathematical form (equation). All parameters in the equation must be fully defined, along with the appropriate units used. Provide examples of its Principles and Applications.

(b) Propose a Ship Model which demonstrates the principle described in part (a), using objects found in your home, or bought from a hardware or hobby store. The medium that will be used to test the model is used to predict whether the model will sink or float. The ship model must be within 15cm x 15cm x 15cm.
-APU Level 0
-Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 20220808
-EE003-4-0 —ESC

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(c) Report the steps which need to be taken to complete the experiment involving the ship model and include the expected outcome. Repeat the steps using two (2) types of different materials.
(d) Justify the results obtained and provide conclusion.

2. Presentation Demonstrate the work done through a recorded video including the explanation on the Model which you have designed using the required Medium.

Marks allocation: Report: 80% & Presentation 20%