Blog 4 child abuse (The Involvement of Clinical Psychologists in Child Protection Work)

Child Abuse Review Vol. 22: 367–376 (2013)

Summarize one of the peer-reviewed studies relating to the information behaviors of your information community you have found.

Briefly describe the author’s credentials, the scope of the study, the methodology, and findings of the piece. What insights did you glean from this study about the information behaviors of your community?

Choose a peer-reviewed study that focuses on your community’s information behaviors or practice. Do not choose a column or essay that may have also gone through peer review, but a research study with a literature review, methodology, findings, etc. If you need a refresher, Module 2 covered scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.

Craft your post using the following template:

Citation in APA 7 format

Summary of the article that includes author credentials, the scope of the study, the methodology used, and an overview of the findings. This might be one or two paragraphs.

Then, write a paragraph or two that explores how the article informs what you know about your chosen community. What connections do you see to the course readings?  What further insights has this article sparked? What might you include in your literature review section of your research paper to highlight this study?

References in APA 7 format

Cite other course resources or your own independent research as needed.

Take a look at the Post #4 samples for each of the Assignment Synthesis Examples.