Online final exam

Essentials of Pathophysiology – Final Exam Review Sheet Covers Material from Modules 1-10 Be sure to look over review sheets from Exam #1 and #2 – all previous information is fair game for the Final exam

1. Review the different levels of disease prevention such as primary, secondary, and tertiary as well as examples for each.

  • a. primary- alters susceptibility or reduces exposure for susceptible persons. focus is on prevention (immunizations/vaccines)
  • b. secondary- early detection, screening and management of disease (cancer screenings, pap smears etc)
  • c. tertiary- preventing further complication from initial disease (OT/PT, restorative care, rehabilitation)

2. Review the differences between the sympathetic vs the parasympathetic nervous systems. What happens to the body during a “fight-or-flight” response?

  • a. SNS- pupil dilate, heart rate increases, stops salivation, airways relax, inhibits gallbladder/stomach/intestine activity, secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine, relaxes bladder, promote orgasms
  • b. PNS-constrict pupils, stimulate salivation, constrict airways, inhibit release of glucose, stimulate gallbladder/stomach/intestine activity, contract bladder, promote erection of genitals.

3. Review the functions of the various organelles of the cell such as the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisome, golgi apparatus

4. Review the difference between active and passive immunity, know examples for each type.

  • a. Passive- antibodies are passed from an individual to an unprotected individual such as mother to fetus or infant via placenta or breast milk
  • b. Active- body’s immune response to live active infection or immunization, like vaccines, second exposure to elicit a quicker response, memory B and T cells.

5. What is edema? Review the various factors that can contribute to edema

  • a. accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space
  • b. caused by inflammation, blood vessel blockage, incompetent venous valves, and CHF, HTN

6. What is a hypersensitivity? Review the four different types of hypersensitivities: Type I (Anaphylactic), Type II (Cytotoxic), Type III (Immune complex), Type IV (Delayed cell-mediated). Know examples and mediating factors for each type.

  • a. antigenic response beyond what is considered normal i. type 1- anaphylactic (within 2-30 mins of exposure- IgE antigen) (food allergy) 1. hives, eczema, anaphylaxis,localized edema, throat constriction ii. type 2 – cytotoxic- involve IgG and IgM antibodies that bind to target cells & when combined with action, destroy target cells 1. transfusion reactions,Rh incompatibility, graves disease, myasthenia gravis iii. type 3- immune complex- IgG antibodies and antigens a. Rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis iv. type 4-delayed cell mediated- T cells a. contact dermatitis, mantoux screening for TB,

7. Review the differences between benign and malignant tumors.

8. Review signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.

  • a. PUD symptoms: epigastric pain, hematemesis, dark tarry stools, ab pain before/after a meal
  • b. H.Pylori thrives in acidic conditions, slows the rate of healing ulcers and promotes ulcer formation in the duodenum and stomach.

9. Review differences between functional and mechanical bowel obstructions, know examples for each

  • a. mechanical obstruction- physical barrier (adhesions, tumors, hernia, impacted feces, volvulus, intussusception
  • b. functional obstruction- movement problems (paralytic ileus due to problems w/ peristalsis due to anticholinergics, opioids, anesthesia, low fiber diets)