RES 403: Module 2–Project Activity

Module 2 – Course Project Activity By the conclusion of this course, the BSRT student will assess, evaluate, and develop a project that is directive of a community health concern utilizing the statistical data agencies of concern, and standards of care and assessment.

Utilizing all the materials you have studied thus far: Describe and explain the elements associated with the quality assurance program required for the implementation of protocol implementation. The activity assignment will be a component of the Final submission in the capstone course for the program. This activity of the course project will be applied to a respiratory care scenario in a holistic care model by the end of the course.

You will need to find and use at least 1-2 solid references in your research. Your paper will need to be in APA formatting including your cited references. This paper will be submitted through this assignment dropbox in WolfDen utilizing the Turnitin tool. You do not need a title page or abstract on these weekly summative course project parts, these papers are to get all your information, research, and thoughts together in one place. Make sure you still use APA formatting and use intext citations and list your references in APA format for practice as well. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” e-4—Sion to the filename.) The name of the file should first initial and last name, followed by an re and the name of the assignment, an lidcore and the course number, and an underscore