African-American Social Movements

Categories such as race, ethnicity/nationality, gender/sexuality, religious affiliation, and class are among some of the systems of power that shape the experience of various people.

Write an essay (4-6 pages long be typed in 12-point, double-spaced font with 1-inch margin that addresses (a, b, c and d):

Introduction (about ½ page): When and how did you first become aware of social categorizations such as race, socioeconomic class, gender/sexuality, ethnicity/nationality (Select two) etc.? (6 pts)

Body: Discuss how the social construction and or categorization of identities such as race, ethnicity/nationality, socioeconomic class and gender/sexuality (at least two) have played a role in shaping (i) and (ii) below. (At least 2 pages):

Your lived experiences including observations, and personal choices in (at least two; e.g. family and school) of these contexts: family, school, work, community, interaction with peers and social media) (10pts)

Your interpretation of other people’s opinions/ideas and actions about race, ethnicity/nationality, socioeconomic class and gender/sexuality (at least two) in everyday life (6pts)


Delgado & Stefancic’s “Critical Race Theory: An Introduction” (See also the section that discusses examples of everyday experiences and microaggressions)

West’s Race Matters Introduction and Chapter 1

Select at least one reading that above that you can relate to your personal experiences and/observations in (b) above then using examples discuss (about ½ a page) how it has increased your understanding of issues related to two categories: race, gender/sexuality and socioeconomic class that you selected in “b” above. (6 pts)

Conclusion (About ½ a page):

What are your suggestions (at least two) about the best way to engage in constructive dialogue about issues that have impacted your lived experience that you have focused on above)? (5 pts)