Case 1-Mcdonalds

Read the McDonald’s “Seniors” Restaurant case found on page 607 of the textbook.

Submit your typewritten summary of potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of Lisa’s strategy. The typewritten summary submitted should be a student reflection of the assigned case and consist of 4 paragraphs (200-300 words total outlined below) which provide information about marketing characteristics of an organization from the textbook.

The contents of the typewritten summary may include:

Paragraph One: Prepare an overview of the company and reflect knowledge gained from reading the case from the textbook and students understanding of the material. Examples of content may include a summary of the company name, history, annual revenue, geographic location, industry, customer type and products and/or services offered and other information found in the case. (4 Pts)

Paragraph Two: Content discussed in the second paragraph should consist of marketing strengths and weaknesses of the organization and is based upon information supplied in the textbook and/or knowledge gained from class discussion. Strengths and weaknesses are “internal” characteristics of a firm and may provide a competitive advantage or disadvantage. (6 Pts)

Paragraph Three: Marketing opportunities and threats which affect the success of a firm should be included in the third paragraph and based upon the content explored in the textbook case. The third paragraph should consist of opportunities and threats to the organization in the marketplace and based upon information supplied in the textbook and/or knowledge gained from class discussion. Opportunities and threats are “external” characteristics of a firm and may lead to organization wide success or failure. (6 Pts)

Paragraph Four: Consider your role as a marketing manager of the organization described in the case. What marketing actions or recommendations would you make to help improve the effectiveness and success in achieving its objectives? Recommendations made should be based upon knowledge gained from reading the case in the textbook and applying the concepts and principles discussed in class. (4 Pts)