
Now that you have identified your interests and identified potential organizational or community needs from the informational interview, you are now prepared to propose and design an Academic Community Impact Project. You will not complete the project that you design during this course; you are only proposing and designing a project.

The Academic Community Impact Project Design should have the following components:

Introduction: provide an introductory overview of the project
Organization description: provide a summary of the organization you’ll be partnering with, including a brief history, description of its mission and activities.
Organizational or community needs summary: provide an overview of the needs of the organization or community, and evidence to support that these are needs (demographics of the population served, examples from interview of needs of organization, etc.)
Project description: describe what you intend to do

Deliverable: What will the final project be? What will you deliver to the organization at the completion of this project? This could be a report, a database, best practices research, technical assistance or support, etc.

Rationale: Describe how this project meets the organizational or community need described above.

Project plan: Summarize your plan to complete the proposed project.

Research overview: Describe what preliminary research is necessary for you to do the project. What information do you need to know before beginning? This could be specific to the locality in which the organization works, or it could be about trends and best practices in the field nationally or globally.

Work plan/schedule: Propose a weekly schedule that spans 10 weeks to complete the project.

Your project design must be 1000 to 1250 words (4 to 5 pages) double spaced, typed in Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins on all sides. Be sure to proofread and edit your essay carefully. Cite all sources appropriately using standard MLA format.