REFLECTION PAPER; choose one to speak about

Complete three reflection papers throughout the semester, each on different prompts. These papers should be two pages double-spaced using a 12-point font of your choice. Each paper should have your name, the course name, and the assignment title as a heading (e.g., Miriam Woodruff, PSY 242, Reflection Paper #1). All papers should be submitted in a word document format on BlackBoard.

These papers should be a reflection of your own experiences, identities, and opinions.

For each paper, you can choose just one question from the prompts, or answer all of them. Use the space to practice your writing and reflections skills, even if it goes a bit beyond the prompt. As always, use a grammar/spell check and revise your writing before submitting.

Prompts for Reflection Paper #1:

What does “mental illness” mean to you?

How has mental illness touched your life (i.e., personal, family, friends, etc.)?

Where does mental illness come from?

How is mental illness viewed in your culture or family?