The Personal in the Professional: Communication Essentials


For this project, you will construct and submit an email, a memo, and a formal letter that responds to a scenario of your choosing.

You will include a 1-2 page explanation of your scenario in order to contextualize your email, memo, and letter for your grader and reviewers.

Your scenario needs to identify who your audience is and what your purpose is for each genre. Each genre—email, memo, and letter—will take a different perspective on the scenario, as each genre carries a different purpose and, often, a different audience. Hence, each document— email, memo, and letter—will be addressed to three different audiences.

Your task, then, is to determine which audience and purpose matches up with the genre and then create that communication.

In total, between the letter, email, and memo, your project should be between 1000-1250 words. All four documents (scenario, letter, email, and memo) need to be on their own page when you submit, so that you are demonstrating that you understand the layout and format of each document.