Hunting bull frogs

Using the IRAC method, apply the city ordinance below to the fact pattern to predict whether or not the wildlife officer will ticket Simon for hunting bull frogs.

Anytown Fishing Ordinance

The following rules must be followed for hunting bull frogs. Violators will be ticketed.

  1. A current fishing license is required to hunt bull frogs.
  2. Bull frog hunting season commences at midnight on May 1st and concludes at midnight on November 30th each year.

iii. Bull frogs may be hunted by hand or hook and hand only.

  1. Capture limit is 10 bull frogs per 24-hour period.
  2. Possession may not exceed 20 bull frogs at any given time.
  3. Prepare a one- to two-page response containing 250 to 500 words. Follow APA formatting, including use of 12-point Times