HT/TH(Horticultural Therapy) program for child with autism

You need plan to create an HT/TH(Horticultural Therapy) program for child with autism. Your Traget Client Group is Child with autism and explain why you chose this population.

Provide a description of the client population that:

  • explains of the disease/disability/disorder.
  • describes related common physical issues.
  • describes related common cognitive issues.
  • describe related common psychological issues.

This section should be supported with a minimum of two credible sources

-List 2 existing programs/organizations in your community that serve this population and what services they offer.

-Search the Horticultural Therapy in Gainesville this section should be supported with a minimum of two credible sources

-Describe the gap or needs you have identified that you believe your HT/TH program could help fill.

-Characterize the benefits that an HT/TH program could provide for this client group in your community.

-Determine and list three distinct and specific ways your program could benefit the client group based on their needs.

Examples: This program will provide opportunities to increase prevocational skills through working in a sheltered greenhouse setting

This program will emphasize anxiety reduction skills while providing hands-on horticulture activities This program will build self-efficacy and self-esteem through a team-based community garden model

This program will address and decrease activity avoidance due to fear of pain by using scaffolded gardening activities to increase mobility and range of motion.

Your initial post should be 350-500 words, well-written and concise, free of typos, and use proper sentence structure, grammar, and capitalization. Information referenced should use APA formchoat and include in-text citations.