Week 3 Discussion

By the due date assigned, submit your answers for two scenarios to this Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. You should review and critique the work of other students as outlined in the expanded rubric by the end of the week.

Select two of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. You should locate at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library or one case that has been decided or is currently pending to support your answer.

Scenario 1 – Crimes

Select 3 crimes from your state that you find unusual or interesting. Educate the class about the crimes by providing the statute number and name and a summary of the law in your own words. Pick one of the statutes and find one case decided in your state related to the statute.

Scenario 2 – Torts and Crimes

Michael, a former employee of AutoNation Ford, entered the repair shop, claiming that the company owed him $560 in back wages. Michael argued with the general manager, Bill. After several minutes, Bill ordered Michael off the property. Michael refused to leave, so Bill told two mechanics escort him off the property. Michael ran to his truck, but on the way, he grabbed some electronic parts valued over $500 and drove away. Michael refused to return the parts until he was paid.

Discuss whether Michael has committed any torts or crimes
If the mechanics had forcibly kicked Michael off the property, would the two mechanics or AutoNation Ford be guilty of assault and battery? Explain.

Scenario 3— Intellectual Property

Professor Cody teaches business law for Fowler University, a for-profit school in Boston. Several times during the semester, Professor Cody made copies of articles and distributed them to her students. The son of one of the article’s authors was a student in her class. The son told his father about the professor’s copying, which took place without the father’s or publisher’s permission. Professor Cody also copied images from the Internet to use in her Powerpoint presentations. Most of the images were not in the public domain and no attributions to sources were provided.

Discuss the potential violations related to intellectual property rights.