RES 403: Module 2–Essay (Updated)

Respiratory Care Protocol Policy In Module 1, you reviewed the AARC definition of therapist driven protocols and did a little research on this.
Now, for Module 2, you will need to find a research article that describes the outcomes of a using a specific RTDP. I suggest looking on the AARC website or go to

Describe and summarize the protocol, how it improved outcomes (or did not improve outcomes), ways to integrate the RTDP into current practice, and if you have experience with using a similar protocol. Evaluate potential barriers to compliance associated with the protocols. Consider how the strength of the RTDP is dependent on the competency of the respiratory care practitioners’ compliance to the edicts of the protocol and ability to assess a patient properly. Can the use of the protocol reduce cost, improve length of stay, ect. Submit your completed assignment by the specified due date. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages, not including the title page, abstract, or reference page. Your paper, citations, and reference should be in APA format and must utilize at least 2 solid sources of reference within the paper.

Provide a strong argument for incorporating your selected RTDP 0e. current practice. ur assignment as a Microsoft Word nt. (Mac users, please remember to — Private