Temperature and Heat

Physics Experiment Report Format


Hypotheses should make specific, testable predictions and are often in IF-THEN form, e.g., “if x is changed, then y will occur.” A hypothesis answers the question, “What is the point of the experiment”? Write a paragraph describing the approach or strategy used to test the hypothesis. It should include what was tested and how it was tested.


See Experiment Instructions (use this phrase; do not include the actual procedures from the experiment).


State the most important numerical, graphical or qualitative results obtained from performing the experiment. If there is a data table, include it here.

Uncertainty & Error

Discuss sources of uncertainty (due to limited measurement precision, e.g., length measured to the nearest millimeter) and error. Sources of error include modeling errors (differences between the physical system your predictions are based on, and the real system) and experimental errors, both systematic (errors that always shift results in one direction) and random (equally likely to cause overestimates and underestimates). For computer simulations, discuss real-world sources of uncertainty or error that were not simulated.


Discuss how the experimental results support rejecting or accepting (again, not proving) the hypothesis. Discuss the relevance of uncertainties/errors to these conclusions. Propose experiment improvements and/or future directions for experimentation.


Discuss at least one real-world application of the physics concept(s) tested in the experiment and include a discussion of the experiment-specific question highlighted near the top of this document. The topic of this week is This physics experiment consists of two physics simulations that will help in understanding density and its relation to buoyance, states of matter, and temperature. Density, the ratio of mass to volume (mass density) or weight to volume (weight density), is an important property for many reasons, including buoyancy, which is explored in this physics simulation.

After completing the activities, write and submit you

