Cons on Debate

The online debate topic is should the US give subsidies for electric vehicles? Make sure you include in your debate the economic impact of oligopolies, supply and demand and market equilibrium. Does it benefit the local economy and does it benefit the intended individual. What impact will this have on small business? Below are articles and videos that you are required to watch/read. Once you have read the articles and completed your own research you must defend your assigned side of the debate. This helps you explore both sides and additionally if you don’t truly agree with your assigned debate side you gain the experience of support with research an opposing side of the debate. You must complete the “online debate worksheet” or just post your minimum one page opinion statement to the debate forum. This requires you to provide a one page opinion statement on “pro” or “con” on the topic. Then you must provide two potential arguments from the opposing side. If you are assigned the “pro” then you discuss two arguments that the “con” side makes and how you would respond to them. You will also need three additional resources beyond the resources provided below.

Make sure you include in your arguments discuss what is a subsidy and the impact of this on the car market, how it impacts individual consumers, small business and the economy.


There is a debate worksheet posted in course wide resources. Use this debate worksheet to help you complete the debate below:

Debate topic: Should the US provide subsidies for electric vehicles?

Pro: The US should provide subsidies for electric vehicles

Con: The US should not use provide subsidies for electric vehicles