Reading Response Papers (RRPs)

● In the reading assigned for the week(s) preceding the RRP due date, isolate five significant pericopes (i.e., small passages of text) that you consider important, interesting, controversial, or the like. Each pericope should originate from a separate source (or a separate chapter within the same source).

● In a word-processed document:
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○ Include your name, course number and section, assignment name and number, and date.
○ Paraphrase or directly quote the five significant pericopes.
○ Clearly delineate each pericope by number (1-5). Do not blend the pericopes into one extended essay.
○ When citing each pericope, utilize a formal parenthetical reference style (APA, AMA, or Chicago) consistently, including a formal bibliography at the end that includes all sources cited.
○ Expand on each of the pericopes in three reflection paragraphs (composed of at least six sentences each), indicating (a) the essential message of the pericope, (b) the relevance or noteworthiness of the pericope, and (c) the personal and/or professional significance of the pericope.
○ Clearly delineate each reflection paragraph by letter (A-C). Do not blend reflection paragraphs into one extended essay.
○ The final structure of the RRP should look as follows:

1. Pericope 1 (Paraphrase/Quotation and Citation)
A. Essential Message Paragraph (What is the essential point being made?)
B. Relevance/Noteworthiness Paragraph (Why did you select this pericope?)
C. Personal Significance Paragraph (How does the pericope apply in your life?)

2. Pericope 2 (Paraphrase/Quotation and Citation)
A. Essential Message Paragraph (What is the essential point being made?)
B. Relevance/Noteworthiness Paragraph (Why did you select this pericope?)
C. Personal Significance Paragraph (How does the pericope apply in your life?)

3. Pericope 3 (Paraphrase/Quotation and Citation)
A. Essential Message Paragraph (What is the essential point being made?)
B. Relevance/Noteworthiness Paragraph (Why did you select this pericope?)
C. Personal Significance Paragraph (How does the pericope apply in your life?)

4. Pericope 4 (Paraphrase/Quotation and Citation)
A. Essential Message Paragraph (What is the point being made?)
B. Relevance/Noteworthiness Paragraph (Why did you select this pericope?)
C. Personal Significance Paragraph (How does the pericope apply in your life?)

5. Pericope 5 (Paraphrase/Quotation and Citation)
A. Essential Message Paragraph (What is the point being made?)
B. Relevance/Noteworthiness Paragraph (Why did you select this pericope?)
C. Personal Significance Paragraph (How does the pericope apply in your life?)

Note: RRPs will be evaluated on the basis of appropriate and effective incorporation of relevant course literature, personal, reflective insight, and points of reference from personal and/or professional experience.